Learn about the key features of the Pro Street Tuner software and VCI/BCI hardware using the online training. This training will guide you through four lessons focused on first use of the software and VCI Hardware, an overview of the ESPFI System, an overview of key software features, and a step-by-step guide to tuning your motorcycle. Select the link below to get started.

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Welcome to the Harley-Davidson Pro Street Tuner software download site.
This site allows you to download your initial software. This software is made available at no charge to you, the customer.
Follow these steps to obtain your software:
Follow these steps to obtain your software:
- Enter your VCI/BCI serial number
- Click the "Download Pro Street Tuner PC Software" Button
- Once this information is accepted, the software will provide the file for download. Select to “run” or “save” the file and then follow the instructions to install.
For information on the mobile app,click for the mobile app user manual.
Open help instructions

SeStreetTuner24.005.8003.exe (214 MB)
Minimum PC requirements:
Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit) or higher version
Minimum internet requirements:
60 Mbps internet download speed
Click here
to enter your VIN and view available calibrations

VCI Serial Number (located on label on back of VCI)

StreetTuner23.001.5000.exe (439 MB)
Minimum PC requirements:
Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
1 GB available HDD Space, 1 GB Ram
Intel Pentium 1.2 GHz or higher
USB Port

Installation instructions
- Complete the serial number verification process
- If selecting run, the software should start installation automatically
- If selecting save, go to the location it was saved and double-click on StreetTuner.exe
Follow the instructions on the screen to install the software
- We recommend that you use the default Destination Directory suggested during the setup. - After the software installation is complete, reboot the PC.
- Connect the VCI/BCI to your computer and to the motorcycle so that the VCI/BCI is powered up. The program will automatically detect the VCI/BCI and install the required drivers.
- Adobe reader may be installed on your PC if it has not been previously installed.